Unique Life

-- 아래 파일이 신버젼입니다.
Version 4.0.5b
- Improved anti-hacker map fix. (Protection against EUD triggers)

Version 4.0.5c
- Improved anti-hacker map fix. (Protection against EUD triggers)


Hotkeys:  사용키

- In-Game

F5 Toggle lag defender on/off. (Removes lag box screen)
F6 Toggle auto command repeat. (/fr command for faster repeat)
F7 Carry out last build command on selected worker. (Useful for UMS)
F8 Add/Remove unit for auto queue/upgrade.
Ctrl + F8 Remove all units for auto queue/upgrade.
F9 Toggle global auto queue on/off.
Ctrl + F9 Toggle global auto upgrade on/off.
Ctrl + F10 Toggle subunit auto queue on/off. (Carriers & Reavers)
F12 Toggle five-state stat hack forwards.
Ctrl + F12 Toggle five-state stat hack backwards.
~ / Alt Select all units of the same type that are currently selected. (Excludes workers)
Ctrl + ~ / Alt Same as above but is used for workers and loaded transports/overlords.
Delete Toggle in-game message log.
Ctrl + Delete Change page for message log.
Pause Pause/Resume game.
Insert Toggle three-state maphack forwards.
Ctrl + Insert Toggle three-state maphack backwards.
Ctrl + LMC (Left Mouse Click on "Idle" text) Select idle worker.
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