Unique Life

최신 1.09c입니다.

-fixed an overflow that was causing crashes
-fixed a bug with selection hack cause several crashes
-added AutoRefresh for lobby. The delay can be configured. By default it is 5 seconds.

출처 : www.tehproject.net

이거 해석이 왜 필요한지 도무지 -_-;;;; 그래도 저 연령층분들이 요청하시는거 같아 대충 기능키 적어둡니다.
F1 - Toggle Lag Defender  : 랙방지!
F2 - Cycle Unit Command Vector mode 유닛 벡터모드
CTRL + F2 - Cycle Unit Command Vector coloring mode  상동 기능
ALT + F2 - Toggle Unit Command Vectors over/under units 상동 기능
F3 - Toggle Show Locations토글키 위치 표시
F4 - Toggle AOE Box Drawing
F5 - Toggle AutoMine자동 미네랄 캐기 끄고켜기
F6 - Cycle BuildingMatrix state forward
CTRL + F6 - Cycle BuildingMeatrix state backward
F7 - Toggle UnitAlert 특정유닛경고
CTRL + F7 - Toggle UpgradeAlert 특정업그레이드경고
ALT + F7 - Toggle TechAlert특정테크경고
F11 - Toggle Global AutoQueue자동 유닛이 생산되게 한다
CTRL + F11 - Toggle Global AutoUpgrade자동 업그레이드
ALT + F11 - Toggle Global AutoStim자동스팀팩
F12 - Toggle AuotQueue/AutoStim/AutoUpgrade for currently selected units상 동
Insert - Cycle maphack forward 맵핵사용
CTRL + Insert - Cycle maphack backward맵핵꺼
ALT + Insert - Toggle target clicks 타겟클릭
~/ALT - toggle multicommand멀티커맨드 - 같은유닛 전체 움직이기
CTRL + ~/ALT - toggle multicommand worker protection멀티커맨드시 일하는 일꾼보호
Home - Play/Pause current iTunes/WinAMP Song 쓸데없는 음악기능
Page Up - skip to the previous iTunes/WinAMP Song쓸데없는 음악기능
Page Down - skip to the next iTunes/WinAMP Song쓸데없는 음악기능
Pause|Break - Pauses/Unpauses the game the game쓸데없는 음악기능
Feature List:
Code: Select all
-Build Anywhere
-Always Show Download Stats
-Custom Screenshots (any format can be configured as long as the extension is 6 or less characters long)
-Map Name on startup
-Hide/Show leaderboard
-Start With No Opponents
-Start With Downloaders
-Allow selecting of traps when they aren't shooting
-Always spoof 100% Download status
-Host Coloring
-3 State Maphack
-Perfect clientside clicks
-Sprite Crash Protection against the sprite used in Sniper v333F*
-Sprite Crash Protection against the sprites used in Miles Laser Tag v87 Final*
-Portrait Crash Protection
-Lag Defender
-Sprite Counter
-State hack (Incomplete)
-Disable Warning Messages
-Color Notifications
-Show all pings
-Color pings according to player color
-spoof saving/loading (cobra compatible)
-MultiCommand (with single command style option)
-Time Stamps in Channel
-Global AutoQueue
-Global AutoUpgrade
-Global AutoStim
-Infinite COP actions
-Hold position button for workers
-Worker Suicide button for workers
-BanListing with IP support
-AutoBanList Banned players
-remove prompts when kicking/banning people
-Unit Command Vector Drawing
-Show Locations
-Private Channels
-Text Macros
-Music Player Controller with iTunes and WinAMP
-Area of Effect Box Drawing of weapon based attacks
-modified directories
-Create/Remove computers in UMS**
-Change Races in UMS**
-EUD detection protection
-Ally Alert for all alliance changes
-Worker Protection with mutlicommand
-Unit Alert (unit id's can be found here: http://www.tehproject.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=751)
-Upgrade Alert (upgrade id's can be found here: http://www.tehproject.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=776)
-Tech Alert (tech id's can be found here: http://www.tehproject.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=775)
-Elapsed Time Display
-System Time Display
-replaced Battle.net Ads
-can be injected before logging into battle.net and can log off and log back on
-fully compatible with hellinsect's resolution hack
-Auto Save replays
-Selection Hack

* selecting the invalid units that you can now see with sprite crash protection may crash you to crash
** only works if you are host of the game
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