Unique Life

몇일만에 다시 업데이트 된 4.0.6f버젼..(숫자가 같을수록 알파벳이 뒤로갈수록 최신입니다.)
추가사항 :
Version 4.0.6f
- Fixed and improved lobby crash hack protection.

Version 4.0.6e
- Added protection against lobby crash hack and alert.

배틀넷 패치안하면 더이상 새버젼이 안나올지 알았는데.. 24일 릴된 4.0.6d 버젼입니다.

Version 4.0.6d
- Added protection against gamelist crash hack.

사용자 삽입 이미지
- In-Game + Lobby
/mh [num] Set maphack state. (1=off, 2=lite, 3=full)
/tclicks Toggle maphack target clicks on/off. (Default off)
/reveal Toggle reveal invisible on/off. (Default on)
/sh Toggle selection hack on/off.
/fr Toggle faster repeat on/off.
/apm Toggle show APM counter on/off.
/automine Toggle worker auto mine on/off.
/autogas Toggle auto mine gas on/off.
/nukealert Toggle nuclear missile alert on/off.
/autounally Toggle auto unally on/off. (Default off)
/list Show a list of players. (Player id - Race | Slot id - IP)

- Lobby
/swap [id] [id] Swap one player with another. (Must be game host)

- Channel
/ff Toggle friend follow on/off.
/ff [name] Enable friend follow and follow target player.
/profile [name] View a players profile.
/spoof [name] Spoof a custom name. (Supports color)
/spoof [num] Spoof a saved name from list. (1 to 5)
/sn [num] Save spoof name to list. (1 to 5)
/dn [num] Delete spoof name from list. (1 to 5)
/ln List saved spoof names.
/rn Restore current spoof name to original name.
/cn Display current spoof name.
/ar Toggle auto respoof on/off. (Default on)

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